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北海水母遭美洲水母毀滅 疑暖化所致
Aug 14th 2013, 01:55

【綜合報導】瑞典科學家近日指出,他們發現原本常在北海(North Sea)生活的「海月水母」(Moon Jellyfish),最近其數量卻明顯消失,懷疑遭到美洲水母(American jellyfish)大舉入侵,將海月水母毀滅。

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【快訊】民眾吃東西噎到 警消趕往救援
Aug 14th 2013, 02:06


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16歲徐嬌裝出百變 萌樣穿越古今 
Aug 14th 2013, 02:10


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Re: [心得] 看玩半澤五集的心得
Aug 14th 2013, 09:47, by thirteenflor

作者thirteenflor (13樓)

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