NOWnews 今日新聞總覽
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Modern handmade. New designers every week.
From our sponsors
thumbnail 獨家/台灣首場彩色路跑將開跑 多位名人五顏六色力挺!
Aug 17th 2013, 08:59, by service.nownews@gmail.com (nownews)

NOWnews.com 今日新聞網

2013年8月17日 16:59

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NOWnews 今日新聞總覽
Latest news from www.nownews.com 

Modern handmade. New designers every week.
From our sponsors
thumbnail 爽活一下!全台10大特色車站 茶飲業者帶你體驗鐵道之旅
Aug 17th 2013, 09:00, by service.nownews@gmail.com (nownews)


2013年8月17日 17:00

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2013 - Yahoo!奇摩 搜尋結果
2013 - Yahoo!奇摩 搜尋結果 

Modern handmade. New designers every week.
From our sponsors
捷運盃街舞賽 吳建豪秀舞技
Aug 17th 2013, 09:17

中央社 – 


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2013 - Yahoo!奇摩 搜尋結果
2013 - Yahoo!奇摩 搜尋結果 
Are you an avid runner? Or even just starting out?

Brooks designs high-performance men's and women's running shoes, apparel and accessories.
From our sponsors
潛艇爆炸損俄武器形象 印度不滿 中國低調
Aug 17th 2013, 09:06


俄立刻撇清責任 印禁止俄方人員入場

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