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羅嘉仁超神勇 5球解決3打者
Aug 22nd 2013, 03:05

【王覺一/綜合報導】效力太空人的「火球仁」羅嘉仁,今天在8局下4比4平手時登板,第1球95哩(約153公里)速球,讓遊騎兵重砲貝爾崔(Adrian Beltre)擊出二壘後方小飛球。羅嘉仁只投5球,就讓遊騎兵三上三下。太空人若能在9局上攻下超前分,羅嘉仁就有機會拿下大聯盟生涯首勝。

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Kindle Book Deals

We find the best deals on best-selling Kindle books for you. Just tell us which genres you love and we'll do the rest. The best part? It's completely free!
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薄熙來收2500萬工程款 轉入私囊
Aug 22nd 2013, 03:06


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Kindle Book Deals

We find the best deals on best-selling Kindle books for you. Just tell us which genres you love and we'll do the rest. The best part? It's completely free!
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Aug 22nd 2013, 03:06


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羅嘉仁超神勇 5球解決3打者
Aug 22nd 2013, 03:05

【王覺一/綜合報導】效力太空人的「火球仁」羅嘉仁,今天在8局下4比4平手時登板,第1球95哩(約153公里)速球,讓遊騎兵重砲貝爾崔(Adrian Beltre)擊出二壘後方小飛球。羅嘉仁只投5球,就讓遊騎兵三上三下。太空人若能在9局上攻下超前分,羅嘉仁就有機會拿下大聯盟生涯首勝。

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