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「黑寡婦」史嘉蕾戴超大鑽戒 被爆訂婚
Sep 5th 2013, 05:49

【陳泓銘/綜合報導】「黑寡婦」史嘉蕾約翰森(Scarlett Johansson)驚爆訂婚!她日前性感現身新片《皮膚之下》在威尼斯影展的首映會,左手戴著一顆超大鑽戒,美國《時人》雜誌昨報導,她已和熱戀10個月的法國記者男友荷曼杜里亞克訂婚。

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Sep 5th 2013, 05:49


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Sep 5th 2013, 05:49


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Kindle Book Deals

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Sep 5th 2013, 05:47


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