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楊祐寧身價飆 重修房事撇築愛巢
Sep 18th 2013, 23:35


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噁!超商御飯糰 竟包生鏽螺絲
Sep 18th 2013, 23:57


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陳偉殷對紅襪 首局挨轟失2分
Sep 18th 2013, 23:46

【謝岱穎/綜合報導】陳偉殷今天(19日)隨著金鶯作客波士頓芬威球場,對上紅襪強打群,首局就碰上麻煩,挨了「老爹」歐提茲(David Ortiz)一記2分全壘打,2局下結束,以0比2落後。

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噁!超商御飯糰 竟包生鏽螺絲
Sep 18th 2013, 23:57


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