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Oct 1st 2013, 08:52, by hsinyeh

作者hsinyeh (hsinyeh)

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Oct 1st 2013, 08:51, by hsinyeh

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【短片】酒駕男肇逃 心虛折返送辦
Oct 1st 2013, 01:08

【侯昌騰/高雄報導】高市大同二路與市中一路口,今日清晨3時50分發生一起酒駕肇逃案件,兩輛小客車因路口閃黃燈沒有互相禮讓而發生撞擊,遭撞小客車打 滑又撞到號誌箱才停下,沒想到肇事葉姓駕駛突然下車逃跑,被撞受傷駕駛氣的不顧自己滿臉鮮血猛追,附近被驚動的民眾也加入追捕,逃逸葉男則鑽入巷弄消失無 影無蹤。

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美眾院通過新版臨時預算案 料參院將再否決
Oct 1st 2013, 01:13


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