2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果
2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
Kindle Book Deals

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工研院與小松聯手出擊 橫濱展大放異彩
Oct 23rd 2013, 21:09

第20屆橫濱平面顯示器展(FPD International 2013)自今天起一連三天舉行,吸引全球面板廠到場參觀,工研院和日本國際大廠Komori首次共同參展,完成七合一的卷對卷精密印刷技術(fine-lineprinting),以一台設備取代七台設備,達到小於10μm技術規格,同時將材料使用率從小於10%提升至大於90%,預計於明年朝向觸控面板量產化目標邁進。

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Are you an avid runner? Or even just starting out?

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From our sponsors
邢峰 拍盧貝松新片噴鄉土味 運將初夜 無緣史嘉蕾
Oct 23rd 2013, 23:00



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2013 Ski and Snowboard gear is on sale now.

Get ready for Spring with new arrivals and wake gear. Shop today.
From our sponsors
成龍 籲全球團結荒謬比喻 竟盼海嘯地震
Oct 23rd 2013, 23:00



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Looking for something light while keeping you safe and comfortable during extended waterside activities?

Shop New Drainmaker Shoe for Men, Women and Kids at Columbia!
From our sponsors
青霞不理成龍失言 回台挺龍應台
Oct 23rd 2013, 23:00


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